
Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

Awareness is a simple concept that isn’t always so easy to actually practice. Being aware is really just about being present, or noticing what is happening in any given moment. As humans, we are programmed to be thinking most of the time, and when your mind is busy thinking thoughts, you cannot also be fully present. Have you ever noticed that even when you are observing something beautiful (for example, a sunset or a flower), your mind often jumps in with thoughts of how this beautiful thing compares to another one you may have seen, or whether you should take a picture and share it with someone, etc.? By contrast, being aware of the beautiful object is to simply observe it with no judgment or agenda.

Cultivating a practice of awareness has many benefits, including improved well-being, and a greater understanding of yourself and others, leading to stronger relationships and connections. It also naturally leads to a greater sense of calm and peace in your life. You can read our blog here about how mindfulness affects happiness. The Sparkle Revolution app helps you create moments of awareness through short, inspirational activities meant to give you different tools to be present and focused on the current moment. 

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