Sparkle Revolution is a mobile application that gives you quick, inspiring activities to do each day to promote mindfulness, gratitude and positivity.
Notifications can be set to gently remind you to come back to these activities throughout your day.
The app provides activities to aid in your manifestation of a selected life goal, and helps you more generally practice gratitude, awareness, positivity.
For iOS users: Go to the Apple Store and search for “Sparkle Revolution”.
For Android Users: Go to the Google Play Store and search for “Sparkle Revolution”.
Download the app from the appropriate store and enjoy!
The Sparkle Revolution app has been designed to be simple, yet effective.
Once the app is downloaded from the App Store (Apple or Google) to your phone just follow the registration steps.
Once you are registered, you can start right away.
Each day you will receive 3 new activities that will show up on your Dashboard (main page). You will receive notifications to do your activities at the times you select, however you can do these activities anytime during the day.
The activities are short, but can make us think – which is the point.
You earn badges as you complete activities (click the badge on the Dashboard or see the ‘Badges’ item in the menu). You can also view your History in the ‘History’ item in the menu.
Many have found that practicing these simple exercises each day leads them to a better view of life, better relationships, more abundance, and increased happiness.
Have fun and we are so excited to be on this journey with you.
The Sparkle Revolution app provides thought-provoking activities to help you be more mindful. These activities center around the topics of Gratitude, Positivity, Awareness and Manifesting.
These are the cornerstones for finding your true power to create your reality and to live in the energetic, flowing stream of the universe.
When we are in sync with the universe, our desires come true, our relationships are fuller, and we live our happiest life
Changing habits is not always easy and we all could use some help. What are our first thoughts in the morning? How aware are we of our thoughts and feelings as the day progresses? Are we operating out of a place of love, or fear? Building daily habits of gratitude, positivity and awareness is the groundwork for transforming the self and manifesting the life we desire.
Each day, there are 3 activities designed to be quick but inspiring, to help you increase your awareness each day and enable manifesting your happier life.
Setting the activities to occur throughout the day (e.g. morning, afternoon, evening) helps to remind us to practice Gratitude, Positivity, Awareness and Manifesting throughout the day.
Mindfulness is like a muscle; if you exercise it, it will become strong. And like a muscle, repetition helps build habits and strength.
This app was created to remind you to stop and be aware throughout your day, with thought-provoking and inspiring activities. These activities will help you create moments of mindfulness in your day and over time this will engender a more positive outlook and peace in your life.
No. We understand that the thoughts you enter into the app are private and personal. They are for you and for your unique journey.
We take privacy seriously and do not share your personal data with anyone. Please check our Privacy Policy in the app or at SparkleRevolution.com
Check out the ‘Invite a Friend’ section of the menu to send them an email invitation.
Sharing love, happiness, and positivity is always a good idea.
The path to true happiness and awareness is a journey.
There is an immense amount of wonderful material in the form of books, videos, online content, etc. that is available to us, and sifting through it can be a challenge.
The Sparkle Revolution app provides an easy, effective method of expanding your thinking and making a daily habit of being mindful.
But we think of the Sparkle Revolution app as a companion to the other learnings. Check out the ‘Resources’ item in the menu for some of our favorites!
Whether you are just beginning your journey, or have been on your path for years, we encourage you to continue to explore with an open heart and mind. To seek out that which raises your frequency and provides you happiness.
We are so excited to be on this journey with you.
Yes! There are many papers published on the benefits of Gratitude, Positivity and Awareness. We have referenced some of these in our ‘Resources’ section in the menu of the app.
After completing a timed activity, there will be a vibration and a ‘Sparkle’ sound to indicate the timer has expired.
This helps you focus on the activity without being concerned about when the timer will complete.
If you don’t hear the ‘Sparkle’, ensure that the media volume on your phone is not muted and at a good volume. This is typically the volume used to listen to videos or music and is set in the settings menu of your phone.
Android has power savings modes that delay some notifications, depending on what is happening with your phone. These power savings features can affect the timing of notifications.
At Sparkle Revolution, we have a policy of being transparent and honest with ourselves, each other, and our customers.
We don’t want to be in a position to have to use ads that could distract from your personal journey, so we are asking for a small amount to enable us to continue to improve and expand the features and options to serve you better.
As we are all on our personal journey for self improvement, so is this app and we are excited to be on this journey with you.
We would be sad to see you go, but we get it. Everyone’s journey is different and we all need different things at different times.
If you do need to cancel, in the app menu, go to ‘Manage Account’ then ‘Manage Your Subscriptions’. Select ‘Check Purchases’ to view and edit your subscription through the app store.
If you want to delete your account and account data, select ‘Delete Account’ on the ‘Manage Account’ page. To delete your account and all of your data, please indicate why you are choosing to delete to ensure you REALLY want to DELETE EVERYTHING. Please note that if you choose to DELETE your account, we will erase all of your data, so it would not be available if you do decide to re-subscribe in the future.
Also keep in mind that we don’t share your personal information, so if you re-subscribe in the future (without deleting your data) you can pick up right where you left off.
If you need help, please send us an email at help@sparklerevolution.com
We offer a generous, free trial for you to check out the app and ensure it is for you.
While we believe that anyone can benefit from the Sparkle Revolution app, maybe it isn’t your thing right now, and we understand that.
The free trial can be canceled anytime within the trial period and your card will not be charged. Beyond that, we are sorry that we are unable to provide refunds.
Each of our journeys are unique, and be assured that you can use the app as little or as much as you like during your subscription.
We hope you find peace, joy and happiness on your journey.